Earlier models assume an isoviscous mantle rheology as in the case with the corner flow solution. Figure 17(a) shows the temperature field predicted by a model with an isoviscous wedge using the convection code ConMan (King et al., 1990).The mesh is nonuniform with significant。
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中職秘書長馮勝賢今日晚間表示,與其經紀人聯繫後,9日中午的餐敘先行取消,雙方會另約時間,擇日再見面。 馮勝賢強調,他與陳偉殷的經紀人大約1周前開始聯繫,過程也相當順利,並敲定9日(周四)餐敘,以吳志揚會。
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